Roof Inspections and Repair
Commercial Roofing

Commercial Roof Repair in South Florida

Commercial Roof Repair in South Florida

If you’re looking for a company that provides quality commercial roof repair in south Florida give Morton roofing a call today!

Nobody knows the roofing industry and the work involved better than the team at Morton Roofing. Since 1976 Morton roofing has been serving the home and business owners. We are known for our trustworthiness, commitment, and attention to detail on the job. That means that you always know Morton will be there to provide an accurate estimate and keep you keyed in on all the details along the way. Read on to see what Morton can do for you, and how we can assist with Commerical Roof Repair in South Florida.

Most rooves in South Florida as it pertains to businesses are Flat style rooves. And further beyond that flattest roofs are actually a type of roof called a BUR. This is short for a Built-up roof. This is named as such because layers upon layers of reinforced fabrics, gravel, and tar, are placed upon each other and “built up” to form the roof. Erosion and natural weather happenings in our beautiful sunshine state will lead to natural erosion of your BUR flat roof on your business.s Over time, this means that additional layers of tar will have to be applied by a professional commercial roofing contractor such as Moreton roofing.

Obviously, there are other types of roofing surfaces out there as well beyond typical BUR flat roofs.

Many of these use a mix of both flat and tile roofing working together to form a more complex structure. We have experience working with all roofing types in both residential and commercial situations.

Owning a business means that being open and operable is key to success. We understand at Moron roofing how downtime can have a critical impact on the health of your businbess. The compounding cost of contracted repairs as well as lack of income due to downtime can be a struggle. Morning guarantees the least possible amount of downtime. We will be able to discuss with you upfront costs, and the amount of time associated so you and your workers can appropriately plan for the downtime ahead, and make adjustments accordingly. We will keep you posted if there is a delay for any reason and ensure proper communications throughout the whole process.

Morton can get you and your team back up and running faster than any other roofer, so give us a call today, and do not delay!

Morton Roofing offers many roofing services, more than what’s listed here! If you have any questions or concerns we implore you to give us a call so we can answer your questions. If you need a roofing contractor call Morton Roofing today. (954) 783-5883


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